五月份大温地产报告 | ||
www.bcbay.com | 2015-06-05 15:48:08 温哥华港湾 | 0条评论 | 查看/发表评论 | ||
SnapStats May 2015 Report (English) Highlights of This Month's Report:
Vancouver Westside Detached: Sellers market at 32.41% Sales Ratio average (over 3 in 10 homes sold in the month) Vancouver Eastside Detached: Extremely Strong Sellers market at 57.14% Sales Ratio average (nearly 6 in 10 homes sold in the month) West Vancouver Detached: Sellers market at 21.37% Sales Ratio average (over 2 in 10 homes sold in the month) North Vancouver Detached: Extremely Strong Sellers market at 59.27% Sales Ratio average (over 6 in 10 homes sold in the month) 要清楚了解大温您关注的地区的地产行情, Bonus Reports MVR 5-YR Trends (MVR地区5年销售均价及相关走势) GVR 5-YR Trends (GVR地区5年销售均价及相关走势) Never Too Busy For Your Referrals! (请点击链接获得查看) Over 15 years of Real Estate, Financial, Cross-cultural background, means you are served with the professionalism and cultural dynamic which will put you above the crowd when it comes to your real estate purchase and sale. 作为温哥华为数不多的拥有加拿大特许会计师及美国注册会计师资格,兼有十多年加拿大地产行业高管及从业经历,我的服务宗旨是通过细致的市场分析,到位把握客户需求及心理,以及用强有力的谈判技巧代表客户,全力为客户争取最大利益。严格的职业操守及高水平的专业知识一直是我对自己的要求。
I love working by referral and would greatly appreciate the opportunity of helping anyone you may know who is thinking of buying or selling.
Paul Zhang CA BBA REALTOR® 张波 Cell: 778.998.8879 Email: paul@paulzhang.com Website: www.paulzhang.com 中国免费直拨电话: 950-403-51324 微信号(WeChat): paulzhang168 |
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