你会遇到吗?外企最古怪的10道面试题 | |||
www.bcbay.com | 2011-12-23 19:00:34 滴答网 | 0条评论 | 查看/发表评论 | |||
“在数字1-1,000中,如果每猜一次,都告诉你是‘高了’、还是‘低了’。要猜中一个数字,至少要猜多少次?”——Facebook 2. "Using a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself on how weird you are." -- Capital One “用1-10分制来打分,你认为你的古怪程度是几分?”——Capital One 3. "Explain quantum electrodynamics in two minutes, starting now." -- Intel “用两分钟时间解释一下量子电动力学,现在开始。”——英特尔公司(Intel) 4. "How many balloons would fit in this room?" -- PricewaterhouseCoopers “这个房间能装下几个气球?”——普华永道 5. "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?" -- Goldman Sachs “假如你被缩小到一支铅笔大小,并被放入一个搅拌机里,你怎么跑出来?”—— 高盛公司 6. "You have a bouquet of flowers. All but two are roses, all but two are daisies, and all but two are tulips. How many flowers do you have?" -- Epic Systems “有一束花。除两朵外都是玫瑰,除两朵外都是菊花,除两朵外都是郁金香。一共有几朵花?”——Epic Systems 7. "What is the philosophy of martial arts?" -- Aflac (AFL) “武术的基本原理是什么?”——Aflac 8. "Explain to me what has happened in this country during the last 10 years." -- Boston Consulting “给我讲讲,过去十年美国都发生了些什么?”——波士顿咨询公司 9. "If you could be any superhero, which one would you be?" -- AT&T (T) “如果你能成为超级英雄,你想当哪个超级英雄?”——美国电话电报公司 10. "How do you weigh an elephant without using a scale?" -- IBM (IBM) “不用秤,怎么为一头大象称重?”——IBM |
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