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www.bcbay.com | 2021-04-10 18:46:32  加拿大中文电台 | 0条评论 | 查看/发表评论






  March 26: WestJet flight 126 from Vancouver to Calgary (rows one to five)

  March 28: Air Canada flight 225 from Calgary to Vancouver (rows 23 to 29)

  March 28: Air Canada/Jazz flight 8079 from Vancouver to Victoria (rows not reported)

  March 29: WestJet flight 115 from Calgary to Vancouver (rows 19 to 23)

  March 29: WestJet flight 3105 from Vancouver to Terrace (rows one to four)

  March 30: WestJet flight 126 from Vancouver to Calgary (rows two to eight)

  March 31: WestJet flight 301 from Montreal to Vancouver (rows 18 to 23)

  March 31: Air Canada/Jazz flight 8182 from Fort St. John to Vancouver (rows six to 12)

  April 1: Air Canada flight 212 from Vancouver to Calgary (rows 26 to 32)

  April 1: Swoop flight 183 from Edmonton to Abbotsford (rows 18 to 24)

  April 1: WestJet flight 126 from Vancouver to Calgary (rows eight to 14)

  April 1: WestJet flight 320 from Vancouver to Edmonton (rows nine to 15 and unknown)

  April 1: WestJet flight 4706 from Terrace to Vancouver (rows one to six)

  April 1: Air Canada/Jazz flight 8064 from Victoria to Vancouver (rows eight to 14)

  April 2: Air Canada flight 116 from Vancouver to Toronto (rows 19 to 25)

  April 2: WestJet flight 141 from Edmonton to Vancouver (rows seven to 13)

  April 2: Swoop flight 184 from Abbotsford to Edmonton (rows 23 to 29)

  April 3: Air Canada flight 246 from Vancouver to Edmonton (rows one to three)

  April 3: Air Canada flight 306 from Vancouver to Montreal (rows 23 to 29)

  April 3: Harbour Air flight 1123 from Vancouver to Nanaimo (rows not reported)

  April 4: Air Canada flight 212 from Vancouver to Calgary (rows 12 to 15)

  April 4: Air India flight 185 from Delhi to Vancouver (rows not reported)

  April 4: WestJet flight 164 from Vancouver to Edmonton (rows nine to 15)

  April 4: Air Canada flight 127 from Toronto to Vancouver (rows not reported)

  April 4: Harbour Air flight 1150 from Nanaimo to Vancouver (rows not reported)

  April 4: WestJet flight 171 from Edmonton to Vancouver (rows one to five)

  April 5: Air Canada flight 306 from Vancouver to Montreal (rows 19 to 28)

  April 5: WestJet flight 126 from Vancouver to Calgary (rows one to four)

  April 5: Air Canada flight 234 from Vancouver to Edmonton (rows 22 to 28)

  April 5: WestJet flight 3312 from Kelowna to Edmonton (rows six to 12)


卑诗首席卫生官:民众在秋季来临之前要准备75%加拿大人有新冠病毒抗体 病毒仍在不断变
反复感染:众多华人发热+喉咙痛 比之前更严北京新冠病例连续2周超流感 重返第1 钟南山
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