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温哥华港湾 > 大温地产 > 专家级的经纪,经纪中的专家 —
专家级的经纪,经纪中的专家 —

手机: 778-228-8856  电话:
电子邮箱: seaskydesignstudio@gmail.com
个人主页: http://www.vancouverrealvirtualtour.com


所在地区 Brighouse 
物业类型 Townhouse
物业屋龄 11 年
发布日期 2015-05-01
Location! Location! Location! The best location in Richmond. Walking distance to  Minoru park, Richmond center, City hall, Richmond High school , Brighouse park, and skytrain station. South facing private backyard in quiet neighborhood with lots of sunlight is perfect for family and children. T...
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